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· 7 min read


Last week, I rebuilt the ReactBits website from scratch, replacing the outdated WordPress theme with a new tech stack. The website was where I used to share my hand picked favorite videos on various topics from YouTube. I decided to rebuild it from scratch as I was no longer working with WordPress, updating the website was too much work. In this article, I discuss the tech stack I chose as well as the development process.

· 6 min read

Calendar is integral to various types of applications. From a simple scheduling application to complex management systems, calendar plays important role. In this tutorial we will learn to display and customize a calendar in our Flutter application.

· 5 min read

As developers, we often seek help from other members of the community. We reach out to individuals or forums such as Stack Overflow to resolve our queries. Whether or not we get the answers we seek, and whether or not we get a reply, often depends on how we ask the question. In this article, I'll share some quick tips to make your question effective and make it easier for the person willing to help you. These are the things I look for whenever I receive questions from fellow developers in the community.

· 8 min read

I have been a programmer for an expansive 1.5 decades, and in that time I have had the opportunity to work with a vast array of programming languages and frameworks. Throughout this journey I have accumulated a variety of invaluable knowledge and insights, which I am now eager to share. In this article, I will detail the lessons I have learned throughout my programming journey and how I managed to reach this point in my career.

· 5 min read

This November, I turned 32. Living in a country with an average life expectancy of 60-65 (Nepal), I started thinking half of my life had gone. Now I needed to start documenting my life a bit more. Start recording how I spend my time, what I achieve and what I fail at. And this blog is the outcome of that thought.

· 4 min read

Flutter is one of the burning technology in the market today. People are using Flutter to build all sorts of Mobile applications. Not only that, Flutter is being used to develop many web and desktop applications. Now the question is, should you choose Flutter if you are trying to build a mobile, web, or desktop application for your client? How do you decide whether or not to use Flutter for your next project? We will talk about those in this article.

· 8 min read

Futures are very popular in Dart and Flutter. If you have previously written code in Dart, you must have already seen Future. If you don't completely understand what Future is and how to use it in Dart and Flutter then this article is for you. Even if you know what it is and are using it already this article might be beneficial for you to get deeper understanding. Futures are one of the ways to deal with asynchronous computation in Dart and Flutter. Flutter also provides FutureBuilder that allows to get data from a Future and present it easily in the Widget tree. Before talking anymore about Future and FutureBuilder, let's step back and look at whah asynchronous programming is and why we do need Future.

· 6 min read

If you have been learning Flutter, you have seen BuildContext everywhere. BuildContext is an important concept in Flutter most developers find hard to understand. Many of even seasoned developers don't fully understand what BuildContext is and what it does. Yet it's basic and must know for every Flutter developers. Today in this article we will try to understand what BuildContext is and why it is important. Before we understand BuildContext, we must understand widget and widget tree. So let's dive into that.

· 5 min read

Linux is famous for its command line. Everything can be done with the help of commands, which makes it very easy to automate things by writing a script that combines these commands to carry out multiple actions. This makes linux very essential for developers, security analysts, data analysts or anyone in technology field. So in this article we will learn the basics of linux command line. To continue with this you will need to access to a unix system. These commands work on macos terminals, Windows Subsystem Linux terminals and any linux distribution terminals. So Let's get started.

· 4 min read


Many of you requested to create a basics Flutter tutorial series in Nepali language. Happy with your request and also considering that there are less Flutter content in Nepali, I have started Nepali Youtube channel and started a Flutter Introductory Tutoria Series in Nepali. It will cover all the basic concepts of Flutter application framework. We will learn Flutter scratch and cover various topics. Along with that, each video in the series will consist of lots of tips and tricks that will make you capable to further explore and build apps on your own using Flutter once you have completed the series. I will not only teach you Flutter, but also teach you how to learn further Flutter or any other technologies. Tips and tricks regarding learning process presented in each videos will be applicable most of the time when you are learning other languages, frameworks or tools. I hope you will enjoy the series. Please provide me any feedback you have in my social media or Youtube comments.