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11 posts tagged with "Flutter"

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· 6 min read

Calendar is integral to various types of applications. From a simple scheduling application to complex management systems, calendar plays important role. In this tutorial we will learn to display and customize a calendar in our Flutter application.

· 4 min read

Flutter is one of the burning technology in the market today. People are using Flutter to build all sorts of Mobile applications. Not only that, Flutter is being used to develop many web and desktop applications. Now the question is, should you choose Flutter if you are trying to build a mobile, web, or desktop application for your client? How do you decide whether or not to use Flutter for your next project? We will talk about those in this article.

· 8 min read

Futures are very popular in Dart and Flutter. If you have previously written code in Dart, you must have already seen Future. If you don't completely understand what Future is and how to use it in Dart and Flutter then this article is for you. Even if you know what it is and are using it already this article might be beneficial for you to get deeper understanding. Futures are one of the ways to deal with asynchronous computation in Dart and Flutter. Flutter also provides FutureBuilder that allows to get data from a Future and present it easily in the Widget tree. Before talking anymore about Future and FutureBuilder, let's step back and look at whah asynchronous programming is and why we do need Future.

· 6 min read

If you have been learning Flutter, you have seen BuildContext everywhere. BuildContext is an important concept in Flutter most developers find hard to understand. Many of even seasoned developers don't fully understand what BuildContext is and what it does. Yet it's basic and must know for every Flutter developers. Today in this article we will try to understand what BuildContext is and why it is important. Before we understand BuildContext, we must understand widget and widget tree. So let's dive into that.

· 4 min read


Many of you requested to create a basics Flutter tutorial series in Nepali language. Happy with your request and also considering that there are less Flutter content in Nepali, I have started Nepali Youtube channel and started a Flutter Introductory Tutoria Series in Nepali. It will cover all the basic concepts of Flutter application framework. We will learn Flutter scratch and cover various topics. Along with that, each video in the series will consist of lots of tips and tricks that will make you capable to further explore and build apps on your own using Flutter once you have completed the series. I will not only teach you Flutter, but also teach you how to learn further Flutter or any other technologies. Tips and tricks regarding learning process presented in each videos will be applicable most of the time when you are learning other languages, frameworks or tools. I hope you will enjoy the series. Please provide me any feedback you have in my social media or Youtube comments.

· 2 min read


I'm planning to build a lot more applications with Flutter and Appwrite. If you are too, then this is for you. In this series we will build a Starter Template for our FlAppwrite Applications where we will implement some repeatitive tasks like Localization, State management, Authorization etc, that we do for each of our project. So that we can use this as a base template next time we want to create a new FlAppwrite Application.

· 4 min read

Appwrite is an open source back-end server, that you can easily setup using docker. And it can be used to support your web and mobile applications. And, it is great for Flutter developers to have Appwrite in their toolbox, as this will give them alternative to Firebase, or building own service in back-end. This is unique opportunity for Flutter developers, as they can focus on their application rather than on setting up a remote database, API and stuff. So, in this ongoing tutorial series, we will learn to setup Appwrite and use it as a back-end for our flutter application.

· 9 min read

I have built quite a few apps with Flutter and Firebase. And, for most of those projects I used Firestore as the database. So, I had to perform all sorts of query, pagination, mapping Firestore returned Maps to data models. So over that period of time, I have created a simplified, generalized helper class with various methods that help me work with firestore database. That is what I am publishing here. Hope it will be useful for those using firestore in their database.

· 4 min read

So, what is URL preview if you remember whenever you share some url in facebook or twitter or any other social network the app automatically generates the preview for that url with the title image description this seems like a simple feature but this can add a lot of value to few types of applications like chat applications social network applications and any other applications where users are allowed to share data with one another so if they share any link having the preview of the url adds a lot of value.

· 4 min read

Lists are an integral part of mobile applications. Being able to present a list of items is therefore an undeniably important thing to know as a mobile developer. In this article, I will provide various code recipes for implementing ListView in your Flutter applications. Let's get started.